Williston – Landing Bench Overview

Williston Basin Play Map

Horizontal Production by Landing Bench


The graphic above presents all Williston Basin horizontals completed since 2008. The Williston Basin is the focus of several Mississippian-Devonian unconventional plays primarily focused in North Dakota with extensional development in Montana, South Dakota, and south-central Canada. Unconventional reservoirs in the Basin are predominately oil-bearing. Horizontal development in the Basin is concentrated within the following reservoirs:

Bakken – The organic-rich shales of the Lower and Upper Bakken are thought to source the low porosity-low permeability Middle Bakken, Three Forks, and Lower Lodgepole reservoirs, all of which compose the Bakken Petroleum System (BPS).

Three Forks – The Three Forks can be delineated into upper, middle, and lower units. Located directly beneath the Bakken formation, the upper 50’ of the Three forks is included in the BPS, and is the target zone of horizontal development.

Other – Since 2008, Williston Basin Horizontals completed outside of the BPS have been very limited. However, these “other” horizontal tests have commonly targeted the Red River (Ordovician) and Spearfish (Triassic) formations.

For additional details regarding development within these formations, please refer to the additional Play Maps included on the Williston Basin Overview page.

Methodology Overview

VSO sourced landing bench and production data from IHS to prepare these maps.

Reservoir & Geologic Studies

VSO has completed extensive analysis of well performance and productivity throughout the Williston Basin. Additional reservoir and geologic capabilities include:

Assessment of Development Potential and Risks

Type Well Analysis

Evaluation of Well Performance and Interference

Midstream/Supply Studies

Audits/Evaluations of Producing Assets

Key Cross-Sections

Reservoir Quality Maps – Porosity, TOC, OOIP

Upside development Reservoir Quantity Maps – Gross and Net Isopachs

Pressure Trends

Maturity & GOR Impacts
